How Your Mind Can be Your Greatest Financial Asset or Greatest Liability

Why We Get Right Thinking Wrong. We’ve mentioned before that having the right information at the right time is the basis for good decision-making. In this sense, the power of…

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Why Financial Literacy is Your Key to Financial Success

We all know that having the right information at the right time is the basis for good decision-making. And when the power of this knowledge is essential to our financial success,…

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Why Is Financial Planning Essential For Tech Professionals?

Professionals employed in the tech industry face unique financial planning challenges. High earnings and stock-based compensation plans can be a real boon, but also come with…

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How Equity-Compensated Professionals Can Change Jobs Without Forfeiting Shares

WestStar’s financial advisors are highly experienced in helping equity-compensated professionals – or as we call them, “Aviators” – to maximize their compensation programs and…

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0 Comments9 Minutes

How to Minimize the Impact of Irrationality and Investor Sentiment on Decision Making

People tend to think that Financial Planning is a one-way street and that Financial Advisors inform and guide their clients according to best practices, experience, and logic.…

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What Tech Veterans Wish They Knew About Investment Strategies

At WestStar we call our highflyer tech professional clients ‘Aviators,’ and we see our roles as co-pilots on their mission, making sure to help them navigate their way to their…

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0 Comments12 Minutes

11 Sure Steps to Pursue Your Ideal 401(k) Plan Retirement Outcomes

You don’t need a financial advisor to tell you that in most of life’s endeavors, knowledge and a plan of action are critical for achieving ideal outcomes; it is pure common……

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0 Comments13 Minutes

Why the Mega Backdoor Roth 401 (K)’s Mega Features & Benefits Appeal to Tech Professionals

The Roth IRA is a powerful retirement tool that allows investors to create a tax-free stream of income. It’s become such a part of our everyday language that it’s listed in…

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0 Comments18 Minutes

What To Do With Your Vested RSUs And Stock Options

One of our favorite things about being financial advisors is that we get a real insight into how people think about money from seeing what they do with theirs. Between learning…

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0 Comments18 Minutes

How To Avoid A Tax Surprise With An RSU Tax Strategy

Getting Your RSU Ducks in A Row The majority of our clients at companies like Amazon, Apple, Meta, Nike, Starbucks, Oracle and others are granted Restricted Stock Units (RSU’s) as…

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0 Comments16 Minutes

How a Deep Understanding of Capital Markets will help Long-Term Investors Target Sound Investment Returns

It is possible to navigate capital market investments without a financial advisor, but there are several reasons why WestStar’s clients choose to seek our guidance. Seeking…

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Why Capital Markets Are So Attractive to Long-Term Investors

The financial landscape is always changing, and developing the understanding necessary to navigate these changes requires continuous learning, staying updated with market trends,…

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0 Comments6 Minutes

Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) versus Restricted Stock

One of the first questions we ask our tech professional clients (at WestStar we call them ‘Aviators’) is ‘what does your idea of a prosperous life look like?’ We often find the…

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How to Pursue Your Dream Retirement

Some journeys are more important than others. Managing your journey towards retirement is one of these. That’s because everybody wants the rewards that their long years of hard…

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0 Comments19 Minutes

Don’t Let These 6 Assumptions Destroy Your Retirement Dreams

Most Americans work really hard while they dream of the day they can finally retire. But preparing for retirement requires much more than a dream ─ it requires a plan.  At…

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0 Comments14 Minutes

How Optimizing Your RSUs will make a BIG difference to your success

Restricted stock units are a popular form of compensation for many professionals in tech and other high-growth sectors in WestStar’s neighborhood. In some cases, the RSU portion…

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7 Employee Stock Purchase Plan Questions to Answer

At WestStar Prosperity Partners, we’ve helped our tech executive and professional clients (we call them ‘Aviators’) make the most of their equity compensation for years, giving…

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How Financial Planning turns Your Life into a Confident Journey

Most people aren’t as money savvy as they’d like to be, and sometimes the idea of professional financial planning not only comes across as challenging, but as daunting.

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The 6 Essential Steps to Financial Security

When people come to us for financial planning advice, we find that no matter where they are along their journey, they share a common desire for prosperity. After all, prosperity…

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How to Find Your Ideal Advisor Match

Everybody’s financial situation and financial goals are as unique as they are. One person’s dreams of what they hope to achieve in their lives are very different from the next…

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Understanding Restricted Stock Unit (RSU) Taxes

Restricted stock units (RSUs) are a common form of stock-based compensation granted to many professionals in tech and other fast-growth sectors. RSUs give professionals in places…

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How to Incorporate RSUs into Your Investment Strategy

The philosophy that drives stock-based compensation is one in which key executives and employees benefit from the potential success of their company. It follows that they’ll want…

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Understanding Restricted Stock Units Vesting, Payouts, and Tax Implications

Employees have a major impact on most business’s success, and many businesses strive to align the interests of their high-flying employees with those of their shareholders.…

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0 Comments21 Minutes